Who are the musicians from the major orchestras who have premiered Eric's works?
This website is still new, and Eric hasn't had a chance to ask all of them yet. While it's not required, these are world-class musicians, and they deserve the dignity and respect to be asked about being listed here. They are from the Minnesota Orchestra, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, and also from the Minnesota Sinfonia, among others.
You can see some of the key names on the first few pages of this website. If you are from the press or another qualified organization who wants to verify, please contact Eric, and he can give you more of the names and dates of performance.
Why are there no sound or video files of Eric's music on this site?
Again, this website is new, and there are a lot of legal and technical issues to work through before making Eric's music available for listening on the web. Besides, at this point, this website is primarily for his friends, fans, and professional colleagues who have mostly already heard some of his music. That will change in time, but he does have a CD on the Discography page.
Will there be links to social media sites from this website?
Probably and eventually, but if you have been following the news, there is good reason to be cautious. For now, Eric has not yet ventured into the world of InstaSnapYouTwitFaceTikLink. (Hopefully, no one is offended by that abbreviated combination term, and some may actually find it humorous, which is the idea.)
Why is there a video of a cat here?
There is still a search for proper musical, instrumental, and related images for these web pages. In the meantime, Eric Likes cats and dogs. They have been a great source of encouragement to him over the years, and he can make friends with any one of them who gives him a chance.
Does a cat have anything to do with Eric's music?
Eric's style is considered mainstream or populist, meaning it reflects more popular tastes, and cats are quite popular now as well (especially on the web). Maybe that sounds rather tangential, but there are millions of people in this country who both dearly love good melodic music, and who also dearly love their pets. That's not to say that anyone would write a whole musical about cats, but - actually, someone did do that.
Is that all the questions and answers?
For now; but there will be more in the future.